Thursday, April 21, 2011

Start from the beginning...

It's official...I will be a student at Ecole Superieure de Cusine Francaise-Ferrandi in Paris this September!!

It was a nail bitter, but I received my official acceptance letter this week while I was at work.  I was over the moon excited but had to hold it all in, i didn't want anyone to think i was crazy.  But what a relief.  It's hard to wrap my head around it now, but it's starting to feel real.

Although it seems out of the blue (kinda) I decided to apply to culinary school in Feb.  I was done being stuck in this (miserable 4yr) rut and I needed to figure out what I will do with my life.  I needed a passion, not just an interest or curiosity or prospect.  Although Dr. Marshall, MD or PhD, has a nice ring to it, Chef Marshall sounds even better (term reserved for professionals, thank you!)  I can't wait to learn about "unusual" ingredients, recipes, and cooking techniques that I have been watching on Food Network (lame, i know) for so long.  And I can't wait to bring this knowledge back home with me (yes, i'm coming back!) and making it something of my own.  

All the way in Paris? Mais bien sur!! (but of course!)  I have wanted to go to Paris since senior year of high school, and that is longer ago than I realized! The language and culture and historical city has already found a place in my heart.  And if not now then when? i go.  Well not yet.  Acceptance is the first step now I how to figure out how to relocate for 11months.  Still need to get a visa and to figure out housing.  Even though I almost bought my one way plan tix yesterday!! Can you say excited?!

Anyhoo...I have tons to plan and organize and strategize before I leave.  But I wanted to start documenting this AMAZING journey.  I'm a lil nervous but mostly excited.  I'm sure I won't be disappointed in this life change.