Saturday, August 13, 2011

Last train to Paris...

Preparing for Paris was way more involved than I expected,  Hence the major lag in posts. (lag=not a single one).  Mostly because I had no idea what I was getting myself into.  So many pieces to the puzzle that took so long to get into place.  Passport, check. Visa, check.  Ticket, check.  French, not so much check. But that is so minor. Ha!  A lil french in high school, a lil online class.  Je parle assez francais, mais j'ai a apprendre beaucoup! (I think that says: I speak enough french, but I have a lot to learn)

What I'm really concerned with is packing (this is very important to me).  What to take, what to leave.  I can't figure out what to take when I go on a weekend trip.  And all those bag fees.  Geez.  So this is no time to be indecisive.  But maybe I'll just do a lot of shopping when I get there....

Everyone has been really supportive (and surprised).  "I didn't know you liked to cook!" "All the way to Paris!  Why?"  I'm still in the whirlwind myself.  I have only been planning this since Feb.  I love to cook.  And to be able to get paid to do that will be amazing!

One week of work and two weeks of Chicago left. I'm half sad, half scared, and half excited.  Ha!  Not really looking forward to saying goodbye to everyone.  One year away from my little ones will be the hardest.  I hope they don't forget me.  (sad face)  Thankfully, Skype was invented by some genius somewhere just for me!  So it won't be so bad.  Adventure awaits either way!

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