Sunday, September 4, 2011

Self guided tour of Montmartre

Since I didn't arrive until late Monday and class started Wednesday, I have had little to time to explore.  It rained yesterday which left me stuck in my flat (very european of me!) most of the evening.  I woke up this morning to sound of church bells ringing.  I actually thought it was very serene and beautiful, for now.  I checked my weather app and stood on the balcony a moment and decided the coast was clear.  I had better get out today or have another week of only to school and back.


I live in 18th arrondissement, Montmartre, which is north west of central Paris.  Each arrondissement has its own culture, history, and vibe.  I haven't been out too much so I can't really describe it for myself yet, but its kinda touristy and cozy at the same time (actually i think thats everywhere, there is always something to see).  I'll work on that.  

Anyhoo, I live around the corner from the Cimetière de Montmartre, but the entrance is a few block away (it is technically where Moulin Rouge is on the map).  There are famous poets and artist that I've never heard of buried here, but it was still interesting to see all of the graves some elaborate, some simple but maintained with love.  Please enjoy these pics from my day amongst the dead.  (Most of the names were worn away and hard to see so i don't know who anyone is).

After leaving the cemetery, I thought I'd walk around and take the scenic route home.  And scenic it was!  

 I didn't realize I lived so close to the Moulin Rouge (Red Windmill). 

As I continued my journey I came across Cafe des 2 Moulin, made famous by the movie Amelie.

Not as well known, but this is Moulin de la Galette, (the second windmill of Cafe des 2 Moulin).  

Everything is beautiful here.  Going up and down hills and cobbled stone streets was not the best in slippers but I love walking, taking in the was great just being surrounded by...Paris!



  1. Hi Erica
    nice blog, where do I sing for updates?

    Keep writing !

  2. its truly beautiful. thanks for taking me along. Those tomb stones were unreal. what detail. If you're trying to wet my appetite, it's working. so happy you're having this experience.
