Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tarte aux Pommes

As a cuisine student, I also have courses in pastry, wine appreciation (which is pretty serious here seeing how the french drink the most per capita in the world), history, theory, and french (mostly tailored to understand orders my chef will bark at me during my stage). I love that we learn a little of everything. 

Every monday we have pâtisserie with Chef Antoine.  This week: Tarte aux Pommes.  I can stop after just this class!  I can make dough, fruit compote, and even learned a lil about decoration.  I could apply these concepts to other fruits and just make pies and tartes. Of course this is the principle of everything here: learn the basics and apply them elsewhere.  I think i'm gonna love mondays.  This will be my no stress and no sweat day...

Tarte aux Pommes with caramelized apples and raspberry reduction 

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