Sunday, October 2, 2011


Maybe you've never heard of génoise, but we've all heard of sponge cake.  Flour folded into powdered sugar and eggs, super easy.  The only hitch was more whisking.  But the payoff was I didn't have to fight with anyone to like the bowl when I was done. Ha!  The fun thing about sponge cake itself is...well...its spongy.

Though normally soaked in rum or liqueurs, we used crème anglaise, egg yolks and sugar tempered with cream infused with vanilla bean

And we made ice cream!  Only half of the crème anglaise was used for platting.  We all combined half of our crème to make a large enough batch of ice cream.

   Platted with a caramelized pear, fresh and pureed raspberry, and this ugly puddle of crème anglaise. 

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