Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I think i'm a little behind in my blogging...oops.  The recipe book is too heavy to bring home and I made these tartes over 10 recipes ago.  Sooo, the details are a lil fuzzy...

Pâtisserie keeps getting better. Chocolate tarte on the same day as lemon tarte.  Soo good!  A lot of the things we do are geared toward reinforcing a recipe or a technique.  So a lot of repetition with slight variation.  Fine with me when it comes to the desserts.  

If I haven't said it, I kinda love my pâtisserie chef, Chef Antoine.  He's VERY french.  We all get a kick out of his Franglish.  When he can't think of a word, he uses hand gestures and sometimes his whole body to play charades with us, until someone shouts out the word he's trying to say.  Or he says a word that sounds like the word he wants to say, and the wrong word makes me giggle.  Example: twinkle when he meant to say sprinkle.  Or twirl when he meant to say swirl. Ha! Trust me, its funny.  

These tartes were pretty easy to make.  Warm cream (or milk, I can't remember) poured over some "special"chocolate (don't know what makes it special) and "special" sugar (don't know why this is special either).  Slowly stirred, not whipped, to avoid bubbles.  Poured into pre-baked tarte shells and chilled.  Hope you followed that.

Lemon filling: lemon juice, sugar, eggs, and milk (or was it cream?)
The lemon tarte should have been easy, but I kinda burned the filling.  These electric cooktops are no joke. I guess because the pot is in constant contact with the heat source they get hot very quickly.  So when I pressed 12, which is the max, and stopped stirring while I chatted it up with my neighbor, it took very little time to scorch the bottom.  Ha! Silly rabbit!

Anyhoo, the results were just fine for me and my partner.  Chef tasted it and said it was burnt, but this is the same man who eats soup that was just boiling, without blowing it first.  Without blowing? Come on, even kids know "Hot."  I'm just saying his taste buds are jacked.  He is always saying "More salt" when all I can taste is salt, and I love salt.  But I still love him.

P.S. My only complaint is that I "had" to eat these all by my lonesome.  It took me a little over a week, but still, I think I'm in trouble.  Send reinforcements!  A certain someone thinks I should happen upon some dry ice and mail some treats home.  Good luck with that.

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