Saturday, October 22, 2011

La Tour Eiffel

You know how you have such big plans for your weekend.  You're gonna get up early, make a big breakfast. Head out to run errands or go shopping or do touristy stuff.  But "somehow" sleep until 1130, and then you "somehow" stay cuddled in pjs until 330 (don't judge me).  That is how my day went. But i finally gathered the strength to leave.  After all, today I planned to visit the Eiffel Tower!

I decided to get off at a different metro stop, in order to see the Eiffel Tower from a different perspective.  I took two steps before I was approached by a "deaf" girl asking me to sign some petition and give a donation.  She was so cute, she almost got me.  But then I remembered I'm from Chicago, there is no new scam.  I kept telling her that I didn't have any change and she kept offering to give me change for my bills.  (her hand gestures were easier to understand than French!)

I was surprised there was not a flux of tourist getting off the metro stop with me.  That must have been because everyone was already in line to go up into the tower.  It was like the lines at Great America!  Tours run all day that go up opposite pillars of the tower.  The last ride up is at 11:45pm.  There is great debate about the best time to visit.  Some say day trips are better because you can see further.  Others say night is better because the tower is lit and the city is aglow.  I actually haven't been up yet, but its on the list.  Just waiting for someone to go with me...hint hint..

It was a little weird that there was hardly any grass and the little grass there was, was fenced off.  I'm guessing this is the only way to keep anything alive with the high volume of tourist throughout the year.  But I say weird because the Eiffel Tower is surrounded by a "park".  I guess here that means lots of trees, benches, and gravel.  And there was this...structure.  Half glass, half steel.  I didn't see a sign that described what it was but it said "Peace" over and over in different languages.  Very modern in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.

The sun was shinning and I was so excited to be here, but slowly I began to realize how cold it actually was.  So I grabbed a hot chocolate and tried to warm up, but the charm is hard to enjoy while shivering.  I did walk down to the Quai Branly, kinda like a river walk.  But...that didn't last long.  Kind of a short trip, but I don't think the Eiffel Tower is going anywhere. I'll definitely be back!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I went once and it makes me happy to see the pictures again. I didn't get to live there though! So happy for you, pretty girl!
